屏幕快照 2015-12-30 下午3.55.42.png

    Lavender Essential Oil

屏幕快照 2015-12-24 下午4.00.54.png

Lavender essential oil is not only one of the most popular essential oils with its luxurious scent, but it has a "two-way balance" mediation effect:  helping to adjust the scalp between its hydrate and oil states, as well as repairing any damage, promoting cell regeneration, and enhancing hair strength.



Rosemary Essential Oil


One of the oldest medicinal plants, rosemary essential oil has numerous health benefits when used on hair: it stimulates blood circulation, regulates bodily oil secretion, and promotes a healthy metabolism.





Ginger Essential Oil


Ginger has a long history as a medical ingredient, and its essential oil usage on hair is no different, as it enhances blood circulation, inhibits hair loss, prevents dandruff, and stimulates growth.




Frankincense Essential Oil


Sourced from the resin of a common Somalia tree, frankincense essential oil is widely known as the go-to oil for damaged hair, as it promotes cell regeneration, balances scalp oils, nourishes hair follicles, and prevents hair loss.




Silk Amino Acids


Extracted from high-end silk, these amino acids help control hair and allow it to retain moisture, thus preventing dryness, and preventing damage caused by sunlight, microwaves, ultraviolet light, chemicals, and air pollutants.






Hydrolyzed Lupine Protein


Prevalent in ancient Egypt and Greece, lupins have made their way into today’s top-of-the-line cosmetics. Used in our haircare treatments, these proteins penetrate the interior of the scalp and promote protein synthesis, which promotes hair growth that has a high water content and is elastic in nature. Additionally, it protects hair against external and environmental forces. 




Hydrolyzed Jojoba Protein

Extracted from natural jojoba seeds, this 100%-pure hydrolyzed protein is a natural moisturizing agent as it creates a film of water on the surface of the hair, locking in moisture, repairing damage, and restoring shine